Keyless Entry via Tapkey App

Simple access management for a wide range of use cases. Easily manage doors and locks for your space. Discover all the great features of the Tapkey App, right here.

More Control with the Tapkey Web Portal

Experience all the features of the Tapkey app and more – in the Tapkey Web Portal. Our comprehensive management platform offers expanded capabilities for all your access control needs. Efficiently manage your digital keys, users, and locks from one central location.

Discover the Web Portal More Details

Your Smartphone
as a Key

Your Smartphone as a Key

Get the Tapkey App Now

Available for phone, browser, and Apple Watch.
Download from your favorite online store or our very own site.

App Store
Google Play Store
Tapkey Webportal
No more physical keys

Discover All Benefits

Open doors, cars, boxes, and more, right from your phone, directly with the Tapkey app. It’s simple as that!

Clear and Simple Pricing

No mysteries, no hidden fees. Choose the plan that suits your needs.

From €3.99
More than five users
In-App Subscription* Annual subscription via Tapkey Online Store
  • * In-app purchases may be cancelled at the end of the billing month.

Tapkey App: FAQs

Find answers to frequently-asked questions. Discover useful articles in our our Help Center.

We at Tapkey take security seriously. That’s why we have engineered our system with a security by design approach, making security considerations the core of our engineering process. Find more info here.

The Tapkey app is compatible with both Android and iPhone. Android users simply
need to install the app; iPhone users can choose between the app and the iOS widget.

Yes. Simply install the Tapkey app for Apple Watch.

No. Tapkey-compatible products can all work offline. They’ll even function in remote “internet-less” locations, from mountain cabins to coal mines. Find more info in our help center article.

Don’t worry. You can always use a new phone—or even borrow one from a friend.
Simply log in to your Tapkey account, and all your data will be just where you left it. Read more here.

Absolutely. You can set time restrictions for access. You can also set up recurring
access on a weekly basis.

Tapkey App Spezialanfrage

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Have a special use-case? Need to accommodate a large number of locks? Reach out to us here.

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Tapkey Mobile
Access Blog

Tapkey Mobile Access Blog

Want to learn more about the Tapkey app? Like to get inspired by an ingenious Tapkey installation? Find it all here in our blog.

New Feature: Lock Grouping

Our new feature is out! From now on, you can combine several [...]

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Temporary Access: What’s it About?

Every business has instances of people who only need to visit the [...]

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From Metal Key to Smartphone

What developments have keys and locking systems gone through and where is [...]

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Common Flexible Workspace Problems and their Solutions

The most common flexible workspace problems all over the world and ways [...]

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